Hero section


Located along Lower Allston's Western Avenue, Allston Labworks supports the area's emerging innovation corridor and continues the expansion of Boston's globally-recognized cluster.


In Color

Surrounded by Allston's eclectic culture and thriving art scene, Allston Labworks will provide life science companies and the greater Allston community with new creative outlets for exploration and self-expression, including state-of-the-art research facilities, residential and retail opportunities, and more than an acre of public open space.

Aerial view of Allson Labworks expansive campus
Artists' Way 35 Residential Units 6 Level CampusParking Garage 263K SF Lab/Office 8 Floors Plus Below Grade Parking About 305 western ave 272K SF Lab/Office 6 Floors Plus Below Grade Parking About 250 western ave



20K SF of diverse retail (largely committed to local business), 1.1 acres of public open space, and studio and gallery spaces throughout Artists' Way create new environments for innovators to thrive beyond their workplace.

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Jonathan Dutch

Boston Urban



The residences at 280 Western Avenue provide new opportunities to live among the energy and eclectic character of Allston.

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Dedicated learning labs and programming across campus offer the community new ways to channel their passion, creativity, and drive.

Embrace Allston's
Creative Spirit

Allston is one of Boston's most active and diverse neighborhoods. The area's expanding life science corridor along Western Avenue is surrounded by ethnic restaurants, popular watering holes, and cultural destinations celebrating the local character of Allston.

0.8 miles

from I-90 Exit 131
On/Off Ramp

1.3 miles

to MBTA Green Line at
Harvard Ave

0.6 miles

to Boston Landing
Commuter Rail with multiple
bus routes (70, 70A, 86, 66)

1 mile

to Harvard Square
& Red Line

Map depicting Allston Labworks location and surrounding attractions
Map depicting transportation options around Allston Labworks
Map depicting several Harvard-related locations around Allston Labworks
Map depicting life science developments nearby Allston Labworks
  • Local Amenities
  • Access / Transit
  • Harvard University
  • Life Science Cluster